Close The Loop Program™
Help the planet while rewarding your business.
Earn points towards your next order when you ship back your Rustic Strength™ container. For us to sanitize, refill and reuse! Redeem points for store credit and exclusive discounts in our Rewards Program.
• Earn combinable Points for returning Rustic Strength™ packaging
• 5000 points for every 30 Gallon or 55 Gallon Drum ( When you have 8 drums saved up, you can choose either Partner Points or having us pay to pick up from you for free — if you choose us to pick up, just fill out the Pick-up Request Form when you have 8. If we pay to pick up, there will be no points awarded.)
º Learn how to strap your drums to a pallet with this VIDEO
• 800 points for every ECO-Jug
• 600 points for every 5-gallon bucket
• 200 points for every plastic 1-gallon bottle, 2.5-gallon bag and 5-gallon cubetainer (box, bladder)
- We will accept and properly recycle any packaging that we cannot use, however packaging that did not originate from Rustic Strength will not be eligible for points credit.
- We aim to issue points within the week that your package(s) are received by our warehouse. The warehouse staff will first sort and assess what was returned before turning in the paperwork for office processing. Your points will be manually entered (just as the discount codes were in the past), at that time.
- You will be able to check your points balance along with any notes, by accessing the Rewards icon which appears in the lower right-hand corner of our website.
Return Instructions
The easiest way to return items is to use
• create a Pirate Ship account
• place items in a box - (write down the dimensions of the box)
• weight your item(s)
• address to return items-
Rustic Strength
403 N Oak Ave
Mansfield, MO 65704
• create label (please be certain that your name and/or store name are easily identifiable so that we know who to credit)
• place on the box and drop it at the USPS store.
Close The Loop FAQs
Why am I not receiving a Discount Code for my Close the Loop return?
Close the Loop credits will now be given in Partner Perks Points.
Points can be redeemed for $1 per 100 points. Your returned Eco-Jug is now worth 800 points, which has a redemption value of $8.
You no longer will be required to save coupon codes or worry about stacking. Your combined points will be available in your account to redeem at checkout.
Can I combine points from multiple Close the Loop shipments?
Yes! This is the best part about using a Points Reward system. The points you earn are applied directly to your account and will be added to your previous points to earn even greater rewards.
I can see that you received my box(es). How come I don't see my points yet?
We try to unpack and record returns on a weekly basis. If we have a particularly busy week, the warehouse team might not have a chance to get the information to the office right away. Once the count has been recorded and processed, your points will be manually entered into your account. You will receive an email notification when your points are available.
Why didn't I receive points for all of my returns?
Points are only rewarded for packaging generated by Rustic Strength. We clean, sterilize and refill our packaging to be re-used in our Close the Loop program. Because we are not able to re-fill other packaging for this use, we cannot offer rewards for them. We will however, accept any packaging. Afterall, the goal is to keep as much plastic from entering the landfill as possible! We can use many of these in-house or we ensure that they are properly recycled.
How do I schedule a pallet pickup for my empty barrels?
Please fill out our Pallet Pickup Form. We appreciate a 72 hour notice so that we can be sure to get your pickup scheduled for your requested day.
Your empties must be securely fastened to the pallet in order for the driver to pick them up.
On the date scheduled, the driver will pickup during your business hours, typically in the afternoon.
Above is based on total gallons sold to refill shops as of 3/1/2024, converted to units of 16oz single-use containers.